Sweden Gällivare


A 440km-long iconic hiking trail in Sweden, traversing Lapland's wilderness and linking Abisko to Hemavan.

Tips from the community

Swedish thrill seekers call this ‘the mother of all trails’, and in many ways (at least in Europe), they’re certainly not long. This trail stretches for a leg-aching 440km through some of Europe’s most pristine wilderness. This is Sweden’s Lapland region, one that is starkly different from its southern (and mostly flat) half. It takes about 6 days to cover this distance in summer, traversing amazing Arctic landscapes, the tundra, glistening glaciers, the highest peak in the country (Kebnekaise), and meeting gorgeous Arctic wildlife along the way. A series of genially-placed huts along the way provide protection and also a chance to explore nearby peaks, wildflower-covered valleys, and rivers, so if you have a few days to spare, spend them mid-way to rest and enjoy the superlative landscapes. Verdict: Lapland is a stunning region to explore both in summer — when you get 24hr of daylight — and in winter, when you swap your hiking boots for skis and have the unrivalled chance to spot the Northern Lights. Preparation is essential though, as the huts along the King’s Trail are basic, at best.

laurastraveltales 6 years ago

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