Tanzania Mjini Magharibi Region


An archipelago known for its spices, stunning beaches, and rich cultural heritage with a blend of Arab, Persian, Indian, and African influences.

Zanzibar Guides

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    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    The beautiful and rich history of the continent of Africa becomes evident in these UNESCO world heritage destinations. From the birthplace of ancient humans to vast desert landscapes, unique wildlife, and pristine coastlines, explore deep into this gorgeous continent and the history of humankind at these entirely life-changing and inspiring world heritage sites.
  • Most Beautiful Sunsets Around The World

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Every evening there is a magical display of pigmented purples and reds painting the entire sky as the sun dissolves into the distance, and while some people may take this for granted- we take aesthetics *very* seriously at Seeker (no shade). We love soaking in the warm, orangey hues of the sun while sipping on a cool cocktail beachside, and we have kept note of the most breathtaking sunsets around the world for anyone else who feels similarly. Embrace nature's most phenomenal gift, and consider these gorgeous destinations we have selected for your next life-changing sunset.
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  • Kenya and Tanzania 2022

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